Mahabodhi Research Centre Bengaluru


Ph.D with Tumkur University

It’s a dream of our Bada Bhanteji to start or to run a Buddhist Education to the entire truth seeker. As per the wish of our Bada Bhanteji, fifteen years ago we started we started Mahabodhi Centre for Pali Studies. Later on we started Ph.D in Buddhist Studies Course affiliated with esteemed Tumkur University in the year 2012. In the year 2013-14 Nine students and 2015-16 Four students got enrolled for Ph.D in Buddhist Studies. As per the rules and regulations of UGC and Tumkur University Ph.D Guidelines all the students undergone Entrance and Interview conducted by Tumkur University.

Out of 13 candidates Mahabodhi Research Centre produce two candidates in Buddhist Studies. On occasion of Birth Centenary of our Most Ven Dr. Acharya Buddharakkhita Mahathera that is on 2021 these two research scholar have been award Ph.D Degree it’s a big achievements to MBRC and it’s a gift to our Pujya Bada Bhanteji as we are on the way to fulfill the dreams of Bada Bhanteji. Ven. Baddanta Pamokkha under the guidance of Dr. U S Moorti, Dept. of History and Archaeology, Tumkur University, Tumkur– “Purifying the Beings through Three Fold Training” and UpasakaRajendra P on the thesis entitled "Human Happiness through the PanchaSila Practice" A study in Buddhism.” received doctorate under the guidance of Ven. Dr. Pharakurgosithbuddhisat, Mahaculongkorne Raja Mahavidhyalaya University, Thailand..

Doctoral Degree in Buddhist Studies Have Been conferred:

Mahabodhi Research Centre (Affiliated to Tumkur University) has successfully produced two doctoral candidates in Buddhist Studies. Ven. BaddantaPamokkha under the guidance of Dr. U S Moorti, Dept. of History and Archaeology, Tumkur University, Tumkur– “Purifying the Beings through Three Fold Training” and Upasaka Rajendra P on the thesis entitled "Human Happiness through the PanchaSila Practice" A study in Buddhism.” received doctorate under the guidance of Ven. Dr. Pharakurgosithbuddhisat, Mahaculongkorne Raja Mahavidhyalaya University, Thailand.

Two more Research Scholar from MBRC Venerable Sayalay yasanandi, and S Narasimhaiah pursuing their doctoral research on their thesis dissertation entitled “Loka dhamma; its impact on our lives and the way to Countenance Loka Dhamma by Cittanupassana” and “Pragmatism in Early Buddhist Literature: A Revisit”. We are hopeful that they will submit their thesis and awarded with Doctorate degree.

Felicitation ceremony At Mahabodhi Research Centre:

Ven. Bhaddanta Pamokkha joined Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru as a Dhamma teacher and has rendered yeomen service not only in imparting systematic teaching but more importantly in developing PariyatiSasana at the Mahabodhi Monastery, Bengaluru, India.To his credit as an intense knowledge seeker, he joined the Mahabodhi Research Centre as a Research scholar in 2015-16 for pursuing his doctoral research on the topic, ‘Purifying the Beings through Practicing Threefold Training’ and has now been awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Buddhist Studies by the esteemed Tumkur University, Tumakuru, Karnataka State, India for successfully completing the same in March 2020.

The Mahabodhi Research Centre heartily congratulates and also deems it as an honour to felicitate Ven. Dr. BhaddhantaPamokkha of Myanmar on this eve, Sunday, the 14th of March 2021 for steadfastly working and promoting the Buddhasasana in India. To celebrate this proud and joyous moment conjointly on behalf of – the Mahabodhi Research Centre, Bengaluru as well as the TumkurUniversity, Tumakuru, Karnataka State, India –confer the Citation to Ven. Dr. Bhaddanta Pamokkha for his splendid academic accomplishment.

In the year 2012-13, he was joined as Research scholar under Mahabodhi Research Centre and has completed his Ph.D. successfully under the guidance of Venerable Dr. PHRAKRUGHOSIT BUDDHISAT, Mahachula Longkorn Rajavidyalaya University, Thailand on the Thesis entitled, “Human Happiness Through The Pancasila Practice - A study in Buddhism.” Mahabodhi Research Centre, deems it an honour and heartily congratulates Upasaka Dr. Rajendra P for making our institution proud by receiving Doctorate award in Buddhist studies Under Esteemed Tumkur University, Tumakuru, Karnataka State (India).

One Year Diploma & Six-Month Certificate Course affiliation with Karnataka Sanskrit University.

In the year 2018 – 19 Mahabodhi Research Centre started One Year Diploma and Six Month Certificate Course affi. With esteem Karnataka Sanskrit University, Bengaluru. As per the rules and regulation of KSU, MBRC started Weekend classes on every Saturday and Sunday. Usually the classes are run on daily basis, but our intention is to reach out to all the students in all the corners of India and facilitate overseas students , we started weekend classes both offline and online mode.

With all the blessings of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, with the guidance of our MBRC Director and teachings staff we are able to completed four batches successfully. Now we are in the 5th batch. So far all together 145 numbers of students across the world have utilized the teachings of the Buddha by enrolling to our courses.

Three Month Online Vassa Course During COVID: 2020-21

Mahabodhi Research Centre started a Three Month Online Vassa Course on the theme entitled “Fundamentals of Buddha Dhamma”. The course was well received and helped people to come out depression anxiety worries and ease out the mental problem caused due to the pandemic. Over thousands of Truths seekerswith their have takenup this course and participated virtuallyfrom Asia Europe America and various parts of India covering cross cultural amalgam.

The course commenced in the month August and got concluded in the month of November. The course run through every week ends on Saturdays and Sundays, from 6.30p.m to 8.30 p.m. Totally 26 classes stretching for 13 weeks for entire Vassa period were taught

Apart from the regular offline course like the one year diploma and six month certificate course in Buddhist Studies (Affiliated to Karnataka Sanskrit University, Government of Karnataka) this online course first of its kind was uniquely designed and thoughtfully planned by our Director on the request of our devotees. where all the people can learn Dhamma in one platform while staying at home from far distance and take the benefit. The three months vassa course concluded fruitfully with awarding certificates to more than 600 participants both in India and outside. Convocation ceremony was held online, sanghadana and monastic requisites were offered to the monks.The course was co-ordinated and intechnical collabartion with AANA (Ambedkar Associuation of North America) and by Upasaka Pankaj Mesham and dedicated team.

Three Month Online Vassa Course During COVID: 2021-22

Mahabodhi Research Centre started a Three Month Online Vassa Course on the theme entitled “Comprehensive Course on Buddhism”. The course was well received and helped people to know what exactly the Theravada Buddha Dhamma. Over thousands of devotees have taken up this course and participated virtually from Asia, Europe, America and various parts of India covering cross cultural amalgam.

The course commenced in the month July and got concluded in the month of October. The course run through every week ends on Saturdays from 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.and Sunday from 9.30a.m to 11.30 a.m. Totally 24 classes for 13 weeks for entire Vassa period were taught.