Mahabodhi Research Centre Bengaluru

Message Form the Director

Bhikkhu Buddhadatta Director, Mahabodhi Research Centre, Bengaluru - 09

Welcome to Mahabodhi Researh Centre – pioneer centre for Buddhist Studies and practise in its pure form. At our present times the compassionate and immortal teaching of Buddha is needed more than ever to come out of the chaotic and conflict situation of human lives. The wisdom of Buddha is a great blessing to help humanity to find true happiness and peace and well-being there by achieving human potential.


he Buddha Dhamma is the way of life which can be learnt, practiced and realised by everyone. To fulfil this need, the Mahabodhi Research Centre offering Buddha Dhamma in its pristine pure form to one and all equally without any distinction. Here is a great opportunity to learn the word of Buddha Buddha Vacana’ in its pristine pure form. At present we are offering Diploma and certificate courses in Theravada Buddhist Studies, Buddhist Research and further Bachelor, Masters will be taken up very shortly. We do hope this will cater the needs of the interested people and help them to explore the invaluable gems of Buddha’s wisdom for enlightenment and awakenment.

Metta – May All Beings be well and Happy