Mahabodhi Research Centre Bengaluru


International Buddhist Monthly Magazine

Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore, India

Started by
Venerable Dr Acharya Buddhadarakkhita
Since 1956

"To avoid all evil, to cultivate all good, to purify one's mind this is the teaching ofthe Buddhas"

The Taste of the Dhamma excels all other taste


"An International Buddhist Monthly Magazine started by the Late Most Ven Dr. Acharya Buddharakkhita- founder of Maha Bodhi Society under Buddha Vacana Trust with the vision and objective to spread the words of Buddha in its purest form to relieve the suffering and sorrows of mankind and guiding them through path of self awakening and freedom"

Subscription Fees

For English

In India

Single Copy


Three Years

Life Time





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Single Copy


Three Years

Life Time

US $ 4

US $ 40

US $ 100

US $ 450

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Single Copy


Three Years

Life Time

₹ 10

₹ 100

