Mahabodhi Research Centre Bengaluru
There was another significant event during theyear1956, when the Venerable Acharya Buddharakkhita, a Buddhist monk of deep insight and commitment, came down to Bangalore and started the Maha Bodhi Society, Bangalore and triggered several spiritual, educational medical socialwelfare activities established meditation centers and educational institution in India and abroad. A visionary and hardworking Buddhist monk, he sacrificed his whole life instudy, practice, teaching of the Buddha’s words and putting that compassionate teachings into practice by establishing Maha Bodhi Society , Bengaluru.
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The Mahabodhi Research Centre is a unique and pioneering research institution in the Buddhist Studies, envisioned by the Most Venerable Dr. Acharya Buddharakkhita,Ph.D., D.Litt. (admiringly known as Bada Bhanteji) to spread the words of Supreme Buddha in the land of its origin. The Mahabodhi Research Centre, affiliated to esteemed Jain (Deemed-to-be University) is headquartered in Bengaluru in the State of Karnataka, India. This renowned Research Centre, true to its founding spirits,’JotetuBuddhasasaSasanam BharatasmimRatthasmim’ – in fulfilling the dream and vision of its founder, a world renowned scholar-cum-mediation master the most Ven. Dr.Acharya Buddharakkhita – has been striving to promote fundamental authentic and qualitative research in the field of Buddhist Studies universally and has many accomplishments and laurels to its credit
“Wisdom for the world – Happiness for All”
The Gift of Dhamma excels all other Gifts”
In the modern times while man is totally lost in material progress neglecting the emotional balance, mental development and spiritual growth, this center will provide the Buddha’s teachings in modern academic mode, which is also in a practicable way, both for material and spiritual progress. A well-formulated course in Buddhism will benefit everyone in every possible way. Since a large number of people are interested in Buddhism today, it is essential that they are catered to their needs purely as a service to humanity for the happiness and well-being of all. Bhagawan Buddha says ‘There is little dust in the eyes of people, remove that ignorance, they will walk on the path of Dhamma. In this direction Mahabodhi Research Center, Bangalore was founded by Most Ven. Dr Acharya BuddharakkhitaMahathera, the great visionary and renowned Buddhist scholar of Modern times as a center for Theravada Buddhist studies and practise. MBRC is the result of far sighted vision, dedicated effort and research by the founder, Most Venerable Dr. Acharya Buddharakkhita, Abhidhaja Aggamaha Saddhammajotika, provide systematic Buddhist Education to modern people as widely as possible, which is the first of its kind in the whole of India. This is one of the unique center true to its spirit it will not only be an intellectual center of learning but also a character-building institution by living a spiritually enriched life which mere intellectual knowledge cannot accomplish.
Lord Buddha taught the Dhamma out of compassion for the good of the many and for the benefit of many 2600 years ago. Since then it flourished in India for over 1500 years. Like all things in the world, it too declined for various reasons. In the 20th century India saw a revival again. The first glimpses of revival were visible when Anagarika Dharmapala founded the Maha Bodhi Society in 1891 and started restoration of the Buddhist holy places. The year 1956 saw some of the great events in modern Buddhist history. It was the year when the 2500th Sacred Buddha Jayanti was celebrated with many programs all over the world and in India.
Mahabodhi Reseach Centre, a unique and pioneer centre environed by Bada Bhanteji most venerable Dr. Acharya Buddharakkhita to share the teaching of Buddha to the modern people in a systematic education system yet in a pure form. In this endeavour, this centre will be one of its kinds in whole southern part of India, in spreading the words of Supreme Buddha in the land of its origin. Both Pariyatti and patipatti go hand to hand, a serious seeker of Truth can learn the Dhamma both in spirit and letter as recorded in Theravada Pali Tipitaka, thereby get benefited in his or her life by putting into practise. I wish students from all walks of life without any distinction will get the sublime message of Dhamma. Wish you all Happy Buddha-Dhamma Study!
Welcome to Mahabodhi Researh Centre – pioneer centre for Buddhist Studies and practise in its pure form. At our present times the compassionate and immortal teaching of Buddha is needed more than ever to come out of the chaotic and conflict situation of human lives. The wisdom of Buddha is a great blessing to help humanity to find true happiness and peace and well-being there by achieving human potential.
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